Monday, 10 February 2020

PES 2020 [MOBILE] English Special New Commentary

After Goal Scoring Player Callnames
Player Callnames:
2456 original + 6151 added?
Total = 8607
Team Callnames:
Total = 1212
This Commentary also includes additional situational callname variety across players and teams.

Commentary file converted from PES PC version.
Add thousands of new callnames for players those are not in the original version, that's why it has a large size.
900Mb download file size. After extracting it will be 1.3GB.
White Ball & Bronze Ball players are called by commentator during the match.
The player's name is called by the commentator after scoring a goal like, "wonderful .. wonderfull.. Lionel Messi". In the original version it didn't.
Team names are often mentioned and analyzed by commentator during the match.
The commentator is more realistic when the player scores a goal.

Install Tutorial Video. 
☑ For NON-ROOT :
⚠ For ROOT :

Credits & Thanks To
Trizr Patch, RakaGFX, ByBREDI, ArtsGFX99, MitchellCook, rossogfx, Mackalbrook, dianjay, AW-Edition, adi-149, rkruspe, tedinameti, owesleyf, FLETCHER39, azzouazzou, GfxUncle, redboy64, iKt8, rajeshsawant1998, MohamedALAAGFX for Wallpaper, Agylsheva Kitmaker, Pes Kits All In 2016, Iann Vicari, NemanjaBRE, MRI_20, Matteo, Ge-Evolution, Cronos, G-Style, Aerial Edson, Balto Edita, Pencho Galleta, 4N63L, Chandra CL7, Gilang, Dimangkit, Andi F., Geo Craig 90, PTE Patch, Bayuneng 2016, Carrasco1live, Aymen YastRin, Anto_RO 21, IPATCH, Blueboy_73, Swoosh1968, JCH331994, Reqzo, Balto Edita, EC27 Kitmaker, Aditya29 Design, Armandarillo, Homer S., Astracell, Vinnicisneros, Lucas Rk, Angel Torero, Pnkit, ssxsxsx for tools, Jenkey1002 for tools, and other people for their precious works!

Minimum Patch Team has no right of the game (Pro Evolution Soccer).
All rights belongs to KONAMI.


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