Hi Guys,
Today the future begins. I' proudly present you the first Edition of the Teamsave Creator. My opinion from the future of PES6 is that we must make it easier to create and update Players/Teams etc very easy. My dream is that when someone has a Team like "Lech Posen" than he can give the Teamfolder with the full Team (Full Leaue too) and all settings to another one and this person can easy integrate this team with ONE push. I think we are now a step closer to this point.
What is Teamsave Creator (TC)?
- It's Tool that write datas from txt files in the League/Team folders into a decrypted Teamsave and copy this to your save folder.
- It create the map.txt path for the Kits, Boots, Face and Hair from each Team + ID's generation too + writting all into the uni/face/hair/ map.txt
- TC collect all datas from each League, Team and Player.
- TC show all files that insert in him at the Team and Player Selection
You can add unlimited Leagues. Only create a folder in the main folder from TC. The folder Name is the Name from the League that will be written in the 1st Listbox on the top-left. Every League need a Emblem.
Banner: Contains a png file with a size of 256x256 which named "Unknown"
Chants: Contains 5 Chants (ADX) which named "Chant1", "Chant2", "Chant3", "Chant4" and "Chant5"
Kits: Contains the Kits from this Team. It's needed for the preview pics. The Tool will check if you have them in your UNI + Copy them if not.
Team.txt: Now we get to the first very important point of this Tool. First look, how it must look like.
There are now 71 lines with informations from the Team. These txt is today not final and will be longer in the future. But this lines get then after line 71 and wouldn't make any trouble. But let's talk about what you see. I think I must'nt say much things but one thing is very important. The informations must be every time for every team in the same line. The Tool read after the ": " from each line. So what ist written after that is important.
1. Download the "Teamsave Creator v.0.4.rar" and put the extract folder into your PES6 main folder.
2. Download one of the League folders and put the extract folder into the Teamsave Creator folder.
3. Make a backup from your "boots", "faces", "hairs" and "uni" AND copy THIS new folder instead of them into your GDB folder.
4. Run the Tool and press the Tab "Other"
- Check your Exe and if the Checksume and Cryptioning is enable then disable them. ATTENTION: After Disable this two things, PES6 cant't read the normal crypted OF. Now it can only read and write encrypted. => Make a backup from your optionfile!
- Go to "PES Save Path" and Press "Change". Now select your "save" folder from PES6 (C:\Users\XY\Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 6\save)
- Go to "PES Language" and chose your language. Press "Set" to Save.
5. Before you press "Save" you must press on the first League!