Wednesday, 25 September 2019

PES 6 PECH King Patch 2019-20


v Real cups for all competitions.
v New s_text style PES 2020 in the purest style that only PECH could deliver.
Credits: alex jovis
v New entry scenes and ingame game boards.
Credits: alex jovis, Pato_Lucas, Proevo 6 Ecuador
v Unlicensed kits updated and configured in the internal editor + correct colors of the fans.
Credits: Fabián, camilomax & Luxo_xxx
v New songs with great audio quality + new music pack.
Credits: alex jovis & Luxo_xxx
v Canvases of the collected and
relinked equipment Credits: Luxo_xxx
v Executable Normal Camera and Remote Camera version.
Credits: Luxo_xxx
v Option File 100% updated, with many improvements over previous patches in Stats, Dorsals, Alignments and more.
Credits: Fabián & camilomax
v New Markers, Shields and Teamnames fully updated.
Credits: alex jovis, PES Logos
v New collection of Faceserver 100% updated, with the best version of each player.
Credits: Fabián & camilomax
v New Balls compiled by Alex Jovis and created by DaveBecce, hayate, PesLogos, Sergiojr pes6 editor, among others.
v The best collection of Kits, new and updated.
Credits: P17
v The most complete collection of Stadiums.
Credits: P17
v Corrected physics of in-game players
Credits: camilomax & Fabián
v Stats fully updated to date according to Pes Stats Database and Pes Kings Edition
Credits: camilomax & Fabián
v The best stadiums in the world now come within the 0_text, compilation and relinking as never before !!
Credits: Luxo_xxx
v Extra Content, compiled by Luxo_xxx:
- Improved sounds (Pause the game, error sound, choose some way, pass from option to option, etc.)
- Setting
- New skin for players and referees
- New audience
Credits: STEGRA , Sage, Lesoj, Kingsley813, Jasarsoft and ThanhCFC.


After the last level reached [#ULTIMATE 2017-2018],
we continue and graduate as teachers [#MASTER 2018-2019],
to finally create an empire where there is only one king [#PECH KING PATCH ??2019-2020]

That's right friends, PECH is back and more recharged than ever!
After so many hours of editing, unveiling, early reels and important decisions by our team,
the KIng Patch 2019-2020 comes directly to you.

The PECH team is pleased to present the new patch of our community, made with a unique level of detail, with the best collection of faces, hairs, uniforms, boots, balls and everything you need to enjoy PES 6 like never before.



Step 1- First install a clean PES6 full version and in Spanish.

Step 2- Right-click "extract here" to 0_text, 0_sound, s_sound and s_stext. Then If they do not have the sud folder they must create it in the root folder of the game (C: \ Program Files (x86) \ KONAMI \ Pro Evolution Soccer 6), and on it go pasting the ".afs" files, that is, the 0_text , 0_sound. s_text and s_sound.

Step 3- Then right click on "extract here" to the compressed file "kitserverHD". Copy and paste the "kitserver" folder into the root folder of the game, that is, where you have your PES6 installed, It is usually in: (C: \ Program Files (x86) \ KONAMI \ Pro Evolution Soccer 6).

Step 4- Again, right click "extract here" to the compressed file "stadiums". Copy and paste the "stadiums" folder into the "GDB" folder of the kitserver, which is usually located here: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ KONAMI \ Pro Evolution Soccer 6 \ Kitserver \ GDB. They also do it with faces & hair, kits, balls and boots.

Step 5- Now, right click on "extract here" to the compressed file "EXE". Then you will get two versions, BUT YOU MUST ONLY Copy and paste ONE EXECTABLE SINGLE into the "Pro Evolution Soccer 6" folder, which is where you have your PES6 installed.
It is to your liking the executable of your choice. One has a default PES6 camera and the other has a PES2020 style remote camera.

Step 6- Once they have everything attached, they should go to the kitserver, then run the "setup.exe" and then select their executable and click on install and accept, as seen in the image. This ensures that all kitserver components are installed correctly. If the name of the exe does not appear in "game executable" it is because they have the kitserver folder inside another one and that is not the case, it must be just a kitserver folder and it must be inside the "Pro Evolution Soccer 6" folder.

Agradecemos la colaboración de P17, Alex.Jovis, camilomax, Fabian, luxo_xxx, Bustinhoo, MatigolAGB, jaimeriffo, Sergio530, PES Logos, Pato_Lucas, GaboCR, Tor37, gonzalo27, FacaANgel, Alessandro, Dibu, PotroKits, Villapilla, JeremySvr, WindowOp, Rodry90, Mks, AMW, GutiCHILE, LIAM, Zurdock, Cold Kits, Juako.Temuko, Suede, bynicarm, Under, Anthrax,Eddy65, Ignaax, Daniel_Juve, LilAlvaro, Paatoo99, Valz67, JAMES17, don_rxf, Jailson, AnsokBeatZ, AlehTrumpet, Hayate, DaveBecce, Weezer, albo-95, Locopro, PedroRamone24, jopistola, Gabriel-CAI, felotheone, eddie_215, solo_1200, Adam & TheKid, koolpro, Jerson, Alegor, pablo-uc, k4os, Edisson96, Lerp90, Nico98, World Stadiums PES6, PES STATS DATABASE, Pes Kings Edition, STEGRA, saborio, Lesoj, kingsley813, jasarsoft y ThanhCFC




  1. Me contraseña incorrecta sale

  2. Why afs file not found? When i try the king patch..what's my fault..?can you help me..i really want to play pes6 with that king patch..please help me..speak english okkk

    1. Yes..ALL FILES I DOWNLOAD..WHY AFS FILES NOT FOUND..I THINK THE STEP FOR INSTALL THAT NOT TRUE..IF TRUE..THE AFS FILES HAVE FOUND RIGHT? So, can you show me the best step to install the king patch..or YOU show me new link to download that patch again which is..the FILES HAVE ENOUGH OF AFS FILES AND ANOTHER PART OF THAT GAME

  3. Why afs file not found? When i try the king patch..what's my fault..?can you help me..i really want to play pes6 with that king patch..please help me..speak english okkk

  4. Why afs file not found? When i try the king patch..what's my fault..?can you help me..i really want to play pes6 with that king patch..please help me..speak english okkk

  5. Afs file not found solution
    *Check the language you used in the installation of the original pes 6, if you installed in the English language make sure you edit the s_sound.afs and make it e_sound.afs

    1. My original pes 6 in english language is right ..the originally e_sound ..not s_sound and than what next step?

    2. So you should rename s_sound to e_sound

  6. mano no me agara la contraseña

  7. me dice q el archivo contiene checksums

  8. ShaBoss..can you explain to me clearly the step 2 installation of king patch..I also have a problem with AFS files not found..I have download all files of the king patch also..can help me?

    1. you must add 0_text, 0_sound, s_text, s_sound to pro evolution soccer 6/dat folder

    2. Just like that I do it..but when I do step 5's bad..when I open EXE that have 2 option so..I choose PES 2020 camera remote..but the apps tell me..that AFS FILES NOT FOUND..So I really weird..What next step ShaBoss?

  9. Boss can you tell me about the menu of edit why it isnt ok it has anything any edit player and register player anything?

  10. For "AFS file not found" error: as in description,you have to name "dat" folder into "sud"

  11. for "AFS file not found" error: you have to name "dat" folder into "sud" as it is written in description

  12. Me ayudas!!!
    No puedo hacer cambios de jugadores en partidos, ni en liga, copa, nada de cambios!
    Alguien Mas tiene este error??
